Hold Me Tight Relationship Workshop For Couples

 Relationship Course Brighton Hold Me Tight

  • Do you long to feel connected with your partner again?

  • Do you wish to feel heard and understood and not so alone in your relationship?

  • Do you often end up feeling like you can't get it right?

  • Do you just want to make a good relationship even stronger?


What is Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy?

The message of EFT is simple:

Forget about learning how to argue better, analysing your early childhood, making grand romantic gestures, or experimenting with new sexual positions. Instead, recognise and admit that you are emotionally attached to, and dependent on your partner in much the same way that a child is on a parent for nurturing, soothing, and protection. EFT focuses on creating and strengthening this emotional bond by identifying and transforming the key moments that foster an adult loving relationship.

  • EFT has an astounding 70 – 75% success rate and results have been shown to last, even in the face of significant stress.


How EFT Works

The goal of EFT is to reduce conflict and create a loving secure bond.

In a distressed relationships couples lose connection by getting stuck in a pattern of negative interactions. The more that trust gets eroded and each partner feels they need to justify themselves with escalating criticism, anger and defensiveness the more the negative pattern becomes entrenched.

EFT helps partners take control of this negative dance and to clarify their emotional signals about attachment needs and fears in a way that encourages their partner to respond with love and compassion. A new emotional experience of secure connection, feeling your partner as Accessible, Responsive and Engaged (A.R.E) transforms love relationships.

Couples learn how to reach out to each other to connect. They learn  how healthy dependency creates a secure bond. This kind of bond promotes  growth and resilience in both individuals.



Hold Me Tight Relationship Course

This Relationship Education and Enhancement program is a streamlined version of EFT developed by Sue Johnson . It follows the structure of her “Hold Me Tight” book.
The course takes couples through seven conversations that capture the key aspects of love relationships and how to shape these moments of connection to create a secure and lasting bond. The course offers space and support for couples to begin these conversations together privately during the sessions.


The 7 Transforming Conversations:

  • Recognizing Demon Dialogues—In this first conversation, couples identify their negative and destructive pattern of arguing  in order to get to the root of the problem and figure out what each other is really trying to say.
  • Finding the Raw Spots—Here, each partner learns to look beyond immediate, impulsive reactions to figure out what raw spots are being hit.
  • Revisiting a Rocky Moment—This conversation provides a platform for de-escalating conflict, repairing rifts in a relationship and building emotional safety.
  • Hold Me Tight—The heart of the program: this conversation moves partners into being more accessible, emotionally responsive, and deeply engaged with each other.
  • Forgiving Injuries—Injuries may be forgiven but they never disappear. Instead, they need to become integrated into couples’ conversations as demonstrations of renewal and connection. Knowing how to find and offer forgiveness empowers couples to strengthen their bond.
  • Bonding Through Sex and Touch—Here, couples find how emotional connection creates great sex, and good sex creates deeper emotional connection.
  • Keeping Your Love Alive—This last conversation is built on the understanding that love is a continual process of losing and finding emotional connection; it asks couples to be deliberate and mindful about maintaining connection.


This EFT Course Includes:

  • Presentations by facilitators
  • Videos illustrating different conversations
  • In-class exercises that couples do together
  • Group Discussion
  • Homework exercises


Note: You will work together privately on your couple relationship through guided exercises each week during the course. There is no need to share anything about this with others in the group, but there is an opportunity to do so if you wish. It can be inspiring and supportive to see other couples grappling with similar issues.


Course Dates Being Offered In Brighton


Sat & Sun   16th-17th October  2021






Click this button to complete the Registration form.









Contact Richard Cole 07789 433 234 or email Richard_cole@mac.com


Course Facilitators


Richard Cole

Richard has a Master's Degree is Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy . He is an accredited imember of the UK Council for Psychotherapy. He is a strong advocate of  Emotionally Focused Couples therapy in his  couple's practice in Hove.








Harriet Dudley

Harriet is an experienced Emotionally Focused Couples Therapist and an integrative therapist. She is professionally registered with the UK Council for Psychotherapy.







Sandy Gee

Sandy has a master's degree in Focusing and Experiential Psychotherapy. She is a member of the British Focusing Association, specialising in developmental trauma as well as Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy.



Contact Address

Our Address and Contact is : Richard Cole - 41 Brunswick Place, Hove, BN3 1ND Tel: 07789 433 234



More About The Course And Hold Me Tight

This course is based on the best selling book by Sue Johnson called 'Hold Me Tight' that is well worth reading as a supplement to the course.

The course follows the 7 conversations outlined in the book.

Video of Sue Johnson Talking about Hold Me Tight


Sue Johnson - The Power of A Loving Bond